Articles about template matching in biomedical images – June 2017

  Articles about template matching June 2017 Two papers have been presented by Natasa Sladoje and Joakim Lindblad (Uppsala) about template matching. It consists in measuring distances between objects in images, suitable for information-rich object representations, capturing several properties in each image pixel.  References: Distance Between Vector-Valued Fuzzy Sets Based on Intersection Decomposition with Applications [...]

By |juin 30th, 2017|News|0 Comments

Master dissertation Anh-Khoa – June 2017

  Master dissertation Anh-Khoa Vo Van June 2017 Anh-Khoa Vo Van (UCA) has defended his Master thesis about numerical simulation of blood flow within liver parenchyma. Congratulations! Reference: Biomechanical exploratory study of blood flows in the hepatic structure. A.K. Vo Van. SIGMA, 2017. Abstract: The objective of the project is to simulate the blood circulation in the liver. The geometry of the liver [...]

By |juin 30th, 2017|News|0 Comments

Article about 3D-2D registration of the liver – MICCAI 2017

  Article about 3D-2D registration of the liver June 2017 Adrien Bartoli (UCA) and his colleagues have proposed a novel registration of preoperative liver volume to intra-operative laparoscopy image. The application is to achieve augmented reality in laparoscopy for liver surgery. This work will be presented in MICCAI 2017 conference. Reference: Deformable Registration of a Preoperative [...]

By |mai 20th, 2017|News|0 Comments