Skills required for our project

Our project requires a high multi-disciplinarity including:

  • ICT (Information and Communication Technologies): computer vision, medical image processing, digital geometry, etc. ;
  • Simulation of patients variabilities, breathing, deformable organs (lungs for example), fluids (blood), tubular solids (vessels), porous environment (liver parenchyma), etc. ;
  • Medicine: clinical practice, interventional radiology, hepatology, hepatic surgery ;
  • Chemistry, Physiology: assessment of drug action, developing new drugs, for liver and hepatic tumors ;
  • Medico-economics: global evaluation of in-silico trials upon society and health in Europe.

European research

The development of in-silico trials is an international scale challenge. The European Commission strongly promotes reduction of animal testing and human trials, as evidenced by several Horizon 2020 calls in Health Societal challenge.

We have submitted a project proposal to the  SC1-PM-16-2017 call and we are still interested in new collaborations!


Contact us

You are interested in our project, and your research or your company activity concerns any related fields exploited for the liver, contact us by filling this form in!